# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
signals.py - module containing Signal class
* Signal - signal class for data objects
Created on Tue Jun 23 2015
@author: hyuh
import sys
if sys.version_info > (3,):
long = int
import inspect
import types
import numpy as np
from . import fdp_globals
#from functools import wraps
# implemented MDS_SERVERS from fdp_globals in place of hard-coded MDS server - DRS 10/18/15
FdpError = fdp_globals.FdpError
# commented out and replaced with FdpError - DRS 10/18/15
#class MdsError(Exception):
# pass
[docs]class Signal(np.ndarray):
sig=fdp.Signal(signal_ndarray, units='m/s', axes=['radius','time'], axes_values=[ax1_1Darray, ax2_1Darray], axes_units=['s','cm']
mds.Signal(np.arange((20*10)).reshape((10,20)), units='keV', axes=['radius','time'], axes_values=[100+np.arange(10)*5, np.arange(20)*0.1], axes_units=['s','cm'])
or an empty signal:
default axes order=[time, space]
sig=fdp.Signal(units='m/s', axes=['radius','time'], axes_values=[radiusSignal, timeSignal])
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
def __new__(cls, input_array=[], verbose=False, **kwargs):
#maybe an **kwargs dict for more attr
#name is name of signal...e.g. Te
#__doc__ for the signal...decriptor (filled in when? XML/MDSvalue?)
if verbose:
print('Called __new__:')
obj = np.asanyarray(input_array).view(cls).copy()
#arr = np.asanyarray(input_array).view(cls)
#print '__new__: type(arr) %s' % type(arr)
#obj = np.array(arr,copy=True)
#obj = np.ndarray.__new__(cls, shape=arr.shape, buffer=arr,dtype=arr.dtype)
#obj = np.ndarray.__new__(cls, shape=arr.shape, dtype=arr.dtype)
#if input_array is not None:
# obj[:] = input_array
# obj = np.asarray(input_array).view(cls)
#arr = np.asarray(input_array)
#obj = np.ndarray.__new__(cls, shape=arr.shape, buffer=arr, dtype=arr.dtype)
if verbose:
print('__new__: type(obj) %s' % type(obj))
print('__new__: setting attributes')
#obj.units = units
#obj.axes = axes
#obj._parent = parent
#obj._root = root
#obj._dim_of = dim_of
obj._verbose = verbose
#obj._slic = slice(None)
obj._empty = True
#obj._name = name
#not necessary but can be defined
#obj.mdstree = mdstree
#obj.mdsnode = mdsnode
#obj.mdsshot = mdsshot
for key,value in iter(kwargs.items()):
#Initiate slic attribute to hold slice index info
# try:
# for i, axis in enumerate(axes):
# print(name, axis)
# setattr(obj, axis, axes_values[i])
# for axis, reference in zip(axes, axes_values):
# setattr(obj, axis, reference)
# except:
# pass
return obj
# def __array_prepare__(self, context=None):
# print 'In __array_prepare__:'
# print ' context is' , context
def __array_finalize__(self, obj):
# if self._verbose:
# print('Called __array_finalize__:')
# print '__array_finalize__: self is type %s ' % type(self)
# try:
# print '__array_finalize__: self has len %s' % len(self)
# except:
# print '__array_finalize__: self has undefined len'
# print('__array_finalize__: self hasattr(self,"slic") is', hasattr(self,'slic'))
# print('__array_finalize__: obj is type ', type(obj))
# try:
# print '__array_finalize__: obj has len %s' % len(obj)
# except:
# print '__array_finalize__: obj has undefined len'
# print('__array_finalize__: hasattr(obj,"_slic") is', hasattr(obj,"_slic"))
# if hasattr(obj,'_slic'):
# print('__array_finalize__: obj._slic is', obj._slic)
if obj is None:
#simple copying over of attributes. Defaults to None so hasattr check skipped
#if hasattr(obj,'units'):
objaxes= getattr(obj, 'axes',None)
objdict= getattr(obj, '__dict__', None)
if objdict is not None:
if objaxes is not None:
for key,val in objdict.items():
if key not in objaxes: setattr(self, key, val)
for key,val in objdict.items(): setattr(self, key, val)
if '_verbose' in objdict:
if objdict['_verbose']:
print("__array_finalize__:Function name {}".format(obj._fname))
except AttributeError:
print("__array_finalize__:Function args {}".format(obj._fargs))
except AttributeError:
print("__array_finalize__:Function kwargs {}".format(obj._fkwargs))
except AttributeError:
if '_fname' in objdict:
if objdict['_fname'] == 'transpose':
if objaxes is not None:
self.axes = [obj.axes[i] for i in objdict['_fargs'][0]] if objdict.has_key('_fargs') else obj.axes[::-1]
if '_debug' in objdict:
if objdict['_debug']: _nodeltmpattr=True
if objaxes is not None:
for axis in objaxes:
if '_slic' in obj: #slice axis according to _slic
if '_verbose' in objdict:
if objdict['_verbose']:
print('__array_finalize__: type(obj._slic) is ', type(obj._slic))
print('__array_finalize__: obj._slic is ',obj._slic)
if type(obj._slic) is slice or type(obj._slic) is list:
setattr(self,axis,getattr(obj, axis)[obj._slic])
elif type(obj._slic) is tuple:
#if getattr(obj, axis).axes != []:
#axes is multidimensional, build correct
_slicaxis=tuple([obj._slic[obj.axes.index(axisaxis)] for
axisaxis in (getattr(obj, axis).axes + [axis])])
if self._verbose:
print('__array_finalize__: Assigning axis ',axis)
print('__array_finalize__: type(_slicaxis) is ',type(_slicaxis))
print('__array_finalize__: _slicaxis is ',_slicaxis)
print('__array_finalize__: axis shape is ', getattr(obj, axis)[_slicaxis].shape)
#if isinstance(_slicaxis[0], (int, long, float, np.generic)):
# self.axes=self.axes+[self.axes.pop(self.axes.index(axis))]
setattr(self,axis,getattr(obj, axis)[_slicaxis])
if '_verbose' in objdict:
if objdict['_verbose']:
print('__array_finalize__: Fixing {0} axes'.format(axis))
for axisaxis in getattr(obj, axis).axes:
if isinstance(obj._slic[obj.axes.index(axisaxis)], (int, long, float, np.generic)):
if '_verbose' in objdict:
if objdict['_verbose']:
print('__array_finalize__: Removing {0} axis from {1}'.format(axisaxis,axis))
if '_verbose' in objdict:
if objdict['_verbose']:
print('__array_finalize__: {0} is not primitive'.
if '_verbose' in objdict:
if objdict['_verbose']:
print('_slic is neither slice, list, nor tuple type for ',axis)
except: #must not have a len(), e.g. int type
if '_verbose' in objdict:
if objdict['_verbose']:
print('Exception: Axes parsing for ',axis,' failed')
else: #no slicing, copy each axis as is
setattr(self,axis,getattr(obj, axis, None))
#clean-up temp attributes
def delattrtry(ob,at):
if _nodeltmpattr:
def __array_wrap__(self, out_arr, context=None):
if self._verbose:
print('Called __array_wrap__:')
print('__array_wrap__: self is %s' % type(self))
print('__array_wrap__: arr is %s' % type(out_arr))
# then just call the parent
print('__array_wrap__: context is %s' % context)
return np.ndarray.__array_wrap__(self, out_arr, context)
def __array_prepare__(self, out_arr, context=None):
if self._verbose:
print('Called __array_prepare__:')
print('__array_prepare__: self is %s' % type(self))
print('__array_prepare__: arr is %s' % type(out_arr))
# then just call the parent
print('__array_prepare__: context is %s' % context)
return np.ndarray.__array_prepare__(self, out_arr, context)
def __getitem__(self,index):
self must be Signal class for this to be called, so therefore
must have the _slic attribute. The _slic attribute preserves indexing for attributes
#This passes index to array_finalize after a new signal obj is created to assign axes
def parseindex(index, dims):
#format index to account for single elements and pad with appropriate slices.
#int2slc=lambda i: slice(-1,-2,-1) if int(i) == -1 else slice(int(i),int(i)+1)
if isinstance(index, (list, slice, np.ndarray)):
if dims <= 1: return index
else: newindex=[index]
#elif isinstance(index, (int, long, float, np.generic)): newindex=[int2slc(index)]
elif isinstance(index, (int, long, float, np.generic)): newindex=[int(index)]
elif isinstance(index, tuple):
#newindex = [int2slc(i) if isinstance(i, (int, long, float, np.generic)) else i for i in index]
newindex = [int(i) if isinstance(i, (int, long, float, np.generic)) else i for i in index]
ellipsisbool=[Ellipsis is i for i in newindex]
if sum(ellipsisbool) > 0:
newindex=newindex[:ellipsisindex] + slcpadding + newindex[ellipsisindex+1:]
newindex=newindex + ([slice(None)]*(dims-len(newindex)))
return tuple(newindex)
if self._verbose:
print('Called __getitem__:')
slcindex=parseindex(index, self.ndim)
#Get the data
if self._empty is True:
# try:
data = self._root._get_mdsdata(self)
self.resize(data.shape, refcheck=False)
self[:] = data
# except:
# print 'Something went wrong with getting data'
#Exec userfunc if method defined:
if self._verbose:
print('__getitem__: index is ', index)
print('__getitem__: type(self._slic) is ', type(self._slic))
print('__getitem__: self._slic is ', self._slic)
#print '__getitem__: new is type %s' % type(new)
print('__getitem__: self is type %s' % type(self))
#print('__getitem__: self has len %s ' % len(self))
return super(Signal,self).__getitem__(slcindex)
def __getattr__(self, attribute):
if attribute is '_parent':
raise AttributeError("'{}' object has no attribute '{}'".format(
type(self), attribute))
if self._parent is None:
raise AttributeError("'{}' object has no attribute '{}'".format(
type(self), attribute))
attr = getattr(self._parent, attribute)
if inspect.ismethod(attr):
return types.MethodType(attr.__func__, self)
return attr
def __repr__(self):
if self._verbose:
print('Called custom __repr__')
if self._empty is True:
data = self._root._get_mdsdata(self)
self.resize(data.shape, refcheck=False)
self[:] = data
return super(Signal,self).__repr__()
#return np.asarray(self).__repr__()
def __str__(self):
if self._verbose:
print('Called custom __str__')
if self._empty is True:
data = self._root._get_mdsdata(self)
self.resize(data.shape, refcheck=False)
self[:] = data
return super(Signal,self).__str__()
#return np.asarray(self).__str__()
def __getslice__(self, start, stop):
if self._verbose:
print('Called __getslice__:')
This solves a subtle bug, where __getitem__ is not called, and all
the dimensional checking not done, when a slice of only the first
dimension is taken, e.g. a[1:3]. From the Python docs:
Deprecated since version 2.0: Support slice objects as parameters
to the __getitem__() method. (However, built-in types in CPython
currently still implement __getslice__(). Therefore, you have to
override it in derived classes when implementing slicing.)
return self.__getitem__(slice(start, stop))
def __call__(self, **kwargs):
slc = [slice(None)] * len(self.axes)
except TypeError:
print('No axes present for signal {}.'.format(self._name))
return None
for kwarg, values in kwargs.items():
if kwarg not in self.axes:
print('{} is not a valid axis.'.format(kwarg))
raise TypeError
axis = self.axes.index(kwarg)
axis_value = getattr(self, kwarg)
axis_inds = [np.abs(value-axis_value[:]).argmin()
for value in values]
slc[axis] = slice(axis_inds[0], axis_inds[1])
except TypeError:
axis_ind = np.abs(values-axis_value[:]).argmin()
#axis_inds = [axis_ind, axis_ind+1]
slc[axis] = axis_ind
return self[tuple(slc)]
def __nonzero__(self):
return True
def sigwrapper(f):
def inner(*args, **kwargs):
#print("getarg decorator: Function {} arguments were: {}, {}".format(f.__name__,args, kwargs))
if len(args)>1: args[0]._fargs=args[1:]
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return inner
def amin(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super(Signal,self).amin(*args, **kwargs)
def transpose(self, *args, **kwargs):
return super(Signal,self).transpose(*args, **kwargs)