Source code for fdp.classes.machine

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Nov 25 12:05:14 2015

@author: ktritz
from collections import Mapping, MutableMapping, deque
import os
import numpy as np
import MDSplus as mds
from . import fdp_globals
from .logbook import Logbook
from .shot import Shot
from .factory import iterable

FDP_DIR = fdp_globals.FDP_DIR
FdpError = fdp_globals.FdpError
machineAlias = fdp_globals.machineAlias

[docs]class Machine(MutableMapping): """ Factory root class that contains shot objects and MDS access methods. Note that fdf.factory.Machine is exposed in fdf.__init__, so fdf.Machine is valid. **Usage**:: >>> import fdf >>> nstxu = fdf.nstxu >>> nstxu.s140000.logbook() >>> nstxu.addshots(xp=1048) >>> nstxu.s140000.mpts.plot() >>> nstxu.listshot() Machine class contains a model shot object: nstxu.s0 Shot data can be accessed directly through the Machine class:: >>> nstxu.s141398 >>> nstxu.s141399 """ # Maintain a dictionary of cached MDS server connections to speed up # access for multiple shots and trees. This is a static class variable # to avoid proliferation of MDS server connections _connections = [] _parent = None _modules = None def __init__(self, name='nstxu', shotlist=[], xp=[], date=[]): self._shots = {} # shot dictionary with shot number (int) keys self._classlist = {} self._name = machineAlias(name) self._logbook = Logbook(name=self._name, root=self) self.s0 = Shot(0, root=self, parent=self) self._eventConnection = mds.Connection(EVENT_SERVERS[self._name]) if len(self._connections) is 0: print('Precaching MDS server connections...') for _ in range(2): try: connection = mds.Connection(MDS_SERVERS[self._name]) connection.tree = None # print(type(connection)) # print(dir(connection)) # print(mds.Connection) self._connections.append(connection) except: msg = 'MDSplus connection to {} failed'.format( MDS_SERVERS[self._name]) raise FdpError(msg) print('Finished.') if shotlist or xp or date: self.addshot(shotlist=shotlist, xp=xp, date=date) def __getattr__(self, name): try: shot = int(name.split('s')[1]) except: raise AttributeError("'{}' object has no attribute '{}'".format( type(self), name)) if (shot not in self._shots): self._shots[shot] = Shot(shot, root=self, parent=self) return self._shots[shot] def __repr__(self): return '<machine {}>'.format(self._name.upper()) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._shots.values()) def __contains__(self, value): return value in self._shots def __len__(self): return len(self._shots.keys()) def __delitem__(self, item): self._shots.__delitem__(item) def __getitem__(self, item): if item == 0: return self.s0 return self._shots[item] def __setitem__(self, item, value): pass def __dir__(self): shotlist = ['s0'] shotlist.extend(['s{}'.format(shot) for shot in self._shots]) return shotlist def _get_connection(self, shot, tree): for connection in self._connections: if connection.tree == (tree, shot): self._connections.remove(connection) self._connections.insert(0, connection) return connection connection = self._connections.pop() try: connection.closeAllTrees() except: pass try: connection.openTree(tree, shot) connection.tree = (tree, shot) except: connection.tree = (None, None) finally: self._connections.insert(0, connection) return connection def _get_mdsdata(self, signal): # shot = base_container(signal)._parent.shot shot = signal.shot if shot is 0: print('No MDS data exists for model tree') return None connection = self._get_connection(shot, signal._mdstree) try: data = connection.get(signal._mdsnode) except: msg = 'MDSplus connection error for tree {} and node {}'.format( signal._mdstree, signal._mdsnode) print('WARNING: ' + msg) return np.zeros(0) # raise FdpError(msg) try: if signal._raw_of is not None: data = data.raw_of() except: pass try: if signal._dim_of is not None: data = data.dim_of() except: pass data = data.value_of().value if signal._transpose is not None: data = data.transpose(signal._transpose) if hasattr(signal, '_postprocess'): data = signal._postprocess(data) return data def _get_modules(self): if self._modules is None: module_dir = os.path.join(FDP_DIR, 'modules', self._name) self._modules = [module for module in os.listdir(module_dir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(module_dir, module)) and module[0] is not '_'] return self._modules
[docs] def addshot(self, shotlist=[], date=[], xp=[], verbose=False): """ Load shots into the Machine class **Usage** >>> nstxu.addshot([140000 140001]) >>> nstxu.addshot(xp=1032) >>> nstxu.addshot(date=20100817, verbose=True) Note: You can reference shots even if the shots have not been loaded. """ if not iterable(shotlist): shotlist = [shotlist] if not iterable(xp): xp = [xp] if not iterable(date): date = [date] shots = [] if shotlist: shots.extend([shotlist]) if date or xp: shots.extend(self._logbook.get_shotlist(date=date, xp=xp, verbose=verbose)) for shot in np.unique(shots): if shot not in self._shots: self._shots[shot] = Shot(shot, root=self, parent=self)
def addxp(self, xp=[]): self.addshot(xp=xp) def adddate(self, date=[]): self.addshot(date=date) def listshot(self): for shotkey in self._shots: shot = self._shots[shotkey] print('{} in XP {} on {}'.format(shot.shot, shot.xp, def get_shotlist(self, date=[], xp=[], verbose=False): # return a list of shots return self._logbook.get_shotlist(date=date, xp=xp, verbose=verbose) def setevent(self, event, shot_number=None, data=None): event_data = bytearray() if shot_number is not None: shot_data = shot_number // 256**np.arange(4) % 256 event_data.extend(shot_data.astype(np.ubyte)) if data is not None: event_data.extend(str(data)) mdsdata = mds.mdsdata.makeData(np.array(event_data)) event_string = 'setevent("{}", {})'.format(event, mdsdata) status = self._eventConnection.get(event_string) return status def wfevent(self, event, timeout=0): event_string = 'kind(_data=wfevent("{}",*,{})) == 0BU ? "timeout"' \ ': _data'.format(event, timeout) data = self._eventConnection.get(event_string).value if type(data) is str: raise FdpError('Timeout after {}s in wfevent'.format(timeout)) if not data.size: return None if data.size > 3: shot_data = data[0:4] shot_number = np.sum(shot_data * 256**np.arange(4)) data = data[4:] return shot_number, ''.join(map(chr, data)) return data def find(self, tag, obj=None): root = getattr(self, '_root', self) find_list = set([]) for module in root.s0._modules: module_obj = getattr(root.s0, module) container_queue = deque([module_obj]) while True: try: container = container_queue.popleft() container._get_dynamic_containers() container_queue.extend(container._containers.values()) if obj is None or obj.lower() == 'signal': for signal in container._signals.values(): if signal._contains(tag): branch_str = '.'.join([signal._get_branch(), signal._name]) find_list.add(branch_str) if obj is None or obj.lower() == 'axis': for signal in container._signals.values(): for axis_str in signal.axes: axis = getattr(signal, axis_str) if axis._contains(tag): branch_str = '.'.join([signal._get_branch(), signal._name, axis._name]) find_list.add(branch_str) if obj is None or obj.lower() == 'container': if container._contains(tag): find_list.add(container._get_branch()) except IndexError: break find_list = list(find_list) find_list.sort() return find_list
[docs] def filter_shots(self, date=[], xp=[]): """ Get a Machine-like object with an immutable shotlist for XP(s) or date(s) """ self.addshot(xp=xp, date=date) return ImmutableMachine(xp=xp, date=date, parent=self)
class ImmutableMachine(Mapping): """ An immutable Machine-like class for dates and XPs. The shotlist is auto-loaded based on date or XP, and the shotlist can not be modified. Machine.filter_shots() returns an ImmutableMachine object. **Usage**:: >>> xp1013 = fdp.nstxu.filter_shots(xp=1013) >>> for shot in xp1013: ... shot.mpts.te.plot() ... """ def __init__(self, xp=[], date=[], parent=None): self._shots = {} self._parent = parent shotlist = self._parent.get_shotlist(xp=xp, date=date) for shot in shotlist: self._shots[shot] = getattr(self._parent, 's{}'.format(shot)) def __getattr__(self, name): try: shot = int(name.split('s')[1]) return self._shots[shot] except: raise AttributeError("'{}' object has no attribute '{}'".format( type(self), name)) def __repr__(self): return '<immutable machine {}>'.format(self._name.upper()) def __iter__(self): return iter(self._shots.values()) def __contains__(self, value): return value in self._shots def __len__(self): return len(self._shots.keys()) def __getitem__(self, item): pass def __dir__(self): return ['s{}'.format(shot) for shot in self._shots] def logbook(self): for shotnum in self._shots: shotObj = self._shots[shotnum] shotObj.logbook() def list_shots(self): for shotnum in self._shots: shotObj = self._shots[shotnum] print('{} in XP {} on {}'.format( shotObj.shot, shotObj.xp,