Source code for fdp.classes.shot

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Nov 25 12:14:03 2015

@author: ktritz
import inspect
import types
import numpy as np
from collections import MutableMapping
from . import factory
from .container import Container

[docs]class Shot(MutableMapping): def __init__(self, shot, root=None, parent=None): self.shot = shot self._shotobj = self self._root = root self._parent = parent self._logbook = root._logbook self._logbook_entries = [] self._modules = {module: None for module in root._get_modules()} self.xp = self._get_xp() = self._get_date() self._efits = [] def __getattr__(self, attribute): # first see if the attribute is in the Machine object # except: # raise # failed, so check other locations if attribute in self._modules: if self._modules[attribute] is None: self._modules[attribute] = factory.Factory(attribute, Container, root=self._root, shot=self.shot, parent=self) return self._modules[attribute] try: attr = getattr(self._parent, attribute) if inspect.ismethod(attr): return types.MethodType(attr.__func__, self) else: return attr except: raise # raise AttributeError("{} shot: {} has no attribute '{}'".format( # self._root._name, self.shot, attribute)) def __repr__(self): return '<Shot {}>'.format(self.shot) def __iter__(self): # return iter(self._modules.values()) return iter(self._modules) def __contains__(self, value): return value in self._modules def __len__(self): return len(self._modules.keys()) def __delitem__(self, item): pass def __getitem__(self, item): return self._modules[item] def __setitem__(self, item, value): pass def __dir__(self): return self._modules.keys() def _get_xp(self): # query logbook for XP, return XP (list if needed) if not self._logbook_entries: self._logbook_entries = self._logbook.get_entries(shot=self.shot) xplist = [] for entry in self._logbook_entries: if entry['xp']: xplist.append(entry['xp']) if len(np.unique(xplist)) == 1: xp = xplist.pop(0) else: xp = np.unique(xplist) return xp def _get_date(self): # query logbook for rundate, return rundate if not self._logbook_entries: self._logbook_entries = self._logbook.get_entries(shot=self.shot) date = 0 if self._logbook_entries: date = self._logbook_entries[0]['rundate'] return date def logbook(self): # return a list of logbook entries (dictionaries) if not self._logbook_entries: self._logbook_entries = self._logbook.get_entries(shot=self.shot) if self._logbook_entries: print('Logbook entries for {}'.format(self.shot)) for entry in self._logbook_entries: print('************************************') print(('{shot} on {rundate} in XP {xp}\n' '{username} in topic {topic}\n\n' '{text}').format(**entry)) print('************************************') else: print('No logbook entries for {}'.format(self.shot)) def check_efit(self): if len(self._efits): return self._efits trees = ['efit{}'.format(str(index).zfill(2)) for index in range(1, 7)] trees.extend(['lrdfit{}'.format(str(index).zfill(2)) for index in range(1, 13)]) if self.shot == 0: return trees tree_exists = [] for tree in trees: data = None connection = self._get_connection(self.shot, tree) try: data = connection.get('\{}::userid'.format(tree)).value except: pass if data and data is not '*': tree_exists.append(tree) self._efits = tree_exists return self._efits